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The history of art is very enriching, because gradually, it has known several revolutions. However, in a certain period of time innovations were made to radically revolutionize art. Find in this article, some of these innovations.
Photography, digital and moving images
Photography is one of the techniques that appeared towards the end of the 19th century and that have left their mark until today. Since that time, artists have not taken advantage of the benefits of this valuable object. It is only in the twentieth century that artists began to make good use of photography. And until today many innovations are made thanks to photography. There are incredible things that photography continues to do. As for moving pictures, they also had their beginnings in the 19th century. Cinema really evolved during this period, because it was a medium that was used to expose the problems of society. As for the digital, it has had a spectacular and planetary success, since thanks to it the digital data are processed. The originality that the digital brings in all areas of art have caused its spectacular revolution.
The engraving, the paper and the portrait
The engraving was for a long time, the only technique used in the reproduction of works. The development of this technique is due to the invention of the paper support. The rise of photography in the 19th century caused the disappearance of this technique. As for paper, it owes its invention to printing. It was invented in China before being used in Europe. At the beginning, writing was a real art and this thanks to paper. As for the portrait, it was the technique used to save the image or appearance of humans. But the arrival of photographic portraits allowed a revolution in the field.
The oil paint and the paint in tubes
Oil painting had its beginnings in the 15th century in Europe. Thanks to the achievements of some artists, the painting was quickly popularized in the West. This technique, which allows a slow drying process, is favorable to artists. It also favors the realization of drawings in color. Tube painting reinforces the freedom of the artist in the realization of his works.